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Bangladesh, over the past few decades has made a name for itself as a major participant on the global garment manufacturing stage. Despite the setbacks of the COVID19 pandemic, the country is on track to become a middle-income nation by the next few years and the ready-made garment (RMG) industry is a mainstay of this economic success story.

This is the result of the industry’s rapid development and modernization in recent years, where the growing use of software and a variety of technologies are changing the way it’s done.

How – you may ask? In this blog we’re going to talk about exactly the same and take you through the revolutionary technologies in the RMG industry and what it means for Bangladesh.

Tech in RMG

Productivity & Profitability

In a bid to upgrade production processes, reduce fabric waste and raise measurement accuracy, Bangladeshi apparel makers are introducing cutting edge software technology.

That can save fabric, time, around 70% of the total manufacturing cost and improve the quality of apparel.

Competitive advantage: Drawing attention of global buyers

The advantages of adapting technology in the garment sector are very clear. Bangladesh is the second-largest producer of clothes in the world, and the use of technology demonstrates the competence of the manufacturers and draws in the attention of buyers from around the world.

Role of tech in clothing and fashion industry

The apparel industry is going through a revolutionary change called the Fourth Industrial Revolution, also known as Apparel 4.0.

Today systems are available that can be used to benefit the entire supply chain cycle. Starting from procurement of raw materials and trims to CAD tools that speed up the entire design and production process, achieve maximum utilization of resources.

The use of technology in the design process is widely recognized. Computer-aided design tools now enable the creation of virtual samples for clients to choose from, doing away with the need for the expensive and time-consuming prototype development sample process. Tommy Hilfiger, for instance, takes it a stage further by operating virtual showrooms for presentations to their customers and GAP offers customers augmented reality (AR) changing rooms to see how their purchases will look from the comfort of their own home.

Some advanced technologies in RMG

To some extent, all garment manufacturers use software and software applications. Here are some of the widely used software in RMG.

  1. CAD – Computer-aided design (CAD) is simply the use of computers to ease the pattern making task for apparel products.
  2. ERP – Enterprise Resource Planning software, such as ERP360+, that performs a broad set of activities where the integration streamlines internal business processes.
  3. 3D Simulation – Used to develop 3D garments on the digital platform where you can see how the pattern fits to a dress form.
  4. CAM – Computer-aided manufacture (CAM) is software that allows increased automation in the manufacturing process.
  5. 3D body Scanner – A technology that helps in getting the precise 3D model and full body measurement.
  6. MRP – Material Resource Planning (MRP) Software system outlines the production planning and inventory management system.
  7. Machine maintenance software – For usage and maintaining records of all machines and equipment.

Emerging automation and AI augmentation in merchandising

AI, in contrast to what is believed to be replacing people in the sector, may be utilized to adopt and create new opportunities. Integrating AI into merchandising may help businesses not only analyze large volumes of data but also forecast consumer trends, resulting in more accurate and customer-focused operations.

Apart from the capabilities discussed above, there is a sea of technologies that the apparel industry can use to improve its operating efficiency and gain cost advantages across the supply chain. Things like natural language generation, virtual agents, machine learning platforms, AI- optimized hardware, decision management, biometrics, robotic process automation and the list goes on.

ERP – Transforming the RMG Industry with Software

ERP refers to Enterprise Resource Planning software. Typically, an ERP system is integrated with a relational database system and comes with many modules. Generating PO, Challans, Bills, Fabric indent, inventory management, garment costing, production scheduling activities can be digitized by using a single ERP system. It aims to integrate all departments and tasks across a company onto a single computer system that can meet the unique requirements of each department.

And ERP360+ is one of the most comprehensive and cutting-edge software technologies that comes with a broad set of activities supported by the multi-module application. The software offers –

  1. Real-time data
  2. Real-time notifications
  3. Advanced quality control
  4. Plan more accurately
  5. Track employee performance

ProInfoSys has worked rigorously for 2 years to create a product that meets the specific requirements of garments factories and allows for maximum efficiency and productivity. Tested and proven to save a garments factory lakhs a month, ERP360+ is looking to make waves in the industry.

Readiness to Embrace RMG Technologies in Bangladesh and Why it Matters

For the RMG industry to remain competitive, technological upgradation is crucial. This is an investment that can drastically improve efficiency and cost competitiveness, and reduce lead time – allowing significant competitive advantage.

However, the question lies, is the RMG industry of Bangladesh ready to embrace new-gen technologies?

As we enter the era of automation, artificial intelligence and robotics, the global industries are changing and adapting to keep pace. The continuous and frequent changes in fashion trends demands frequent adjustments in the machinery’s algorithm, to manufacture and streamline the whole value chain.

Since the ’80s when the RMG industry of Bangladesh started its journey, it has come a long way and adopted a number of new technologies. However, while the global industry is running on 4.0 technology, mostly we are still stuck in stage 2.5 to 3.

There are several reasons why we are lagging behind in this area – including lack of education, lack of conception, technology phobia, infrastructural issues, lack of R&D, and more.

While there’s often an initial reluctance and hesitation in embracing a technology, Bangladesh garment factory owners are seeing the benefits of digital transformation and next-gen software technologies more and more every day.