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Technology – something we live and breathe today, right?

We know how technology is constantly evolving. All those emerging software and technologies, some we never thought were possible, and those we have yet to imagine – we begin with a single line of code.

Coding is essentially the foundation of all different types of technology we see around us. And that’s what makes coding positions at tech companies one of the most sought after and highly rewarding jobs in the market. Even for entry level positions, one has to demonstrate prior experience – a challenge that the new coders can prepare for by having a coding internship in their bag.

So, if you’re a student or fresher interested in coding and want to learn about how to land a coding internship – look no further. In this blog we’re going to talk about internships for programmers and coders in Bangladesh and what you need to get one in a tech company.

Coding Internships and Why They Matter

Having an internship gives you an edge over other candidates as well as demonstrates prior experience and commitment to the career field you want to pursue.

And when it comes to coding internships, it matters because a coding internship offers some great training opportunities. It essentially bridges the gap between what you learnt in theory and how real-life projects are actually carried out. These are temporary roles where you work under the supervision of an experienced coder, participate in software programming and development, may help develop a complete application or assist with part of a larger, long-term coding project.

How to Land a Coding Internship

To land a coding internship some of the primary qualifications are – being enrolled in a qualifying program and meeting any additional requirements set out by companies. It might include understanding specific programming techniques or coding languages. Although companies do not expect interns to have any professional experience, having a portfolio of applications you have worked on may make you stand out from other applicants.

Here are some tips to help you through the process.

Build a Great Resume

The first step to finding a coding internship is creating a well-written, tailored resume. It’s very important for securing an internship position. Listing the relevant courses you’ve taken is a great way to show recruiters what CS domains you know about. Your resume should include certain keywords that are relevant to the internship. Also don’t forget to add the clubs, hackathons, other side projects and extracurricular activities you have participated in.

Showcase Your Coding Knowledge

Your technical knowledge, even if you have limited or no work experience, should be sufficient to demonstrate your potential to succeed. Tailor your skills section based on the position you are applying for. List your top 3-4 projects, explain the main idea behind every project, the solution, the technologies and algorithms used in the project – while making your contributions measurable. Make a portfolio that reflects your coding abilities.

Participate in Online Challenges

If you’re aspiring to be great at coding, you’ll need to go the extra mile and try showcasing all your coding skills at the right place. And one of the best ways to do this is through coding competitions.

There are a number of popular online coding marathons and other competitive coding challenges like – HackerRank, ACM, Google Code Jam, Facebook Hacker Cup etc. Recruiters may consider your performance in these challenges because they demonstrate your coding ability.

Build a Personal Website

A portfolio can be helpful, however, developing and publishing your own website can be extremely beneficial. It’s something that can display your personal interests and passions as well as your caliber. And showcasing your projects on your website can catch the eye of prospective employers.

Join a Community

Communities are great places for sharing knowledge and passion. There are many online coding communities, groups and forums which you can join. These platforms allow you to share different hacks and problems, and constantly learn something new.

How to Land a Remote Coding Internship? What Does Communication Look Like During a Remote Internship?

With or without a pandemic, the tech world has seen a rise in demand for remote work in recent years, along with that the number of remote coding internships. Here are a few ways you can search for them –

  1. On LinkedIn
  2. On company websites
  3. In relevant Facebook groups
  4. In job portals such as – Bdjobs, Kormo Jobs, Chakri, Indeed, Glassdoor
  5. And also, from your network

And when it comes to communication, there are some unique aspects to remote internships that you’ll want to be prepared for, especially if you’re used to in-person collaboration. Here’s what you can expect during a remote coding internship- 

  1. Ideally, you’ll have a supervisor, attend a regular team meeting, where you’ll get to learn a lot just by listening in and being there.
  2. Asynchronous feedback where your supervisor may opt for adding comments to a doc or Slack instead of talking it out. That being said, there’s no reason to be afraid to ask for more clarity or context to the feedback, if it’s needed.
  3. When it comes to assignments, you’re more likely to work on an independent project instead of projects that involve cross-disciplinary teams initially.

Reasons Why ProInfoSys’s Coding Internship Can Be a Game-changer For You

ProInfoSys offers a 3 months coding and web development internship in Bangladesh. We offer an internship for programmers and coders that presents a series of learning opportunities, such as –

Learn how to Problem Solve

Here at ProInfoSys the coding interns go through a combination of learning materials and tests. We have a mentor assigned to solve their problems. The mentor allocates a 30 min session with the team every day. There are assessments/projects every week.

There are detailed weekplans for the duration of their internship. And the assignments range from creating Spring Boot web app with Freemaker template to using QueryDSl, learning Git, Spring Boot test and revision to name a few. For the first two months, these are their tasks.

Work on Weaknesses and Grow Strengths

The internship at ProInfoSys is a journey to learn and grow. It helps the interns identify and work on their weaknesses. At the same time provides great opportunities to develop and pursue their strong suit.

Work on Real Projects

With time the interns gather skills. And in the last month, they work on a real-world project. Once it’s wrapped up, based on the assessment, top performers join us.

If you’re ready to truly commit to this career path, try for a coding internship. There are a lot of opportunities for internships for CSE students in Bangladesh, including this. With a coding internship you’ll get to learn by doing and experience what it’s like to work within an established tech team and contribute to real projects. That in turn will not only accelerate your professional and personal development but also help you build a network of meaningful relationships with important industry peers and leaders.