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Do you know the average number of hours people spend online around the world? The latest research suggests that the world would likely spend more than 12½ trillion hours online in 2022.

We all know our ever-growing dependency on the internet to look up even the smallest of queries.

And with that in mind, if you want your target customers to find your business, the online presence of your business is now more important than ever.

So, if you’re planning to take your business to the next level online by building a website, or looking to redesign your existing site, you’re probably wondering how to choose your web design company.

Selecting a web design agency involves thoroughly searching for agencies and vetting them based on your own criteria. That’s a complicated process. And especially in Dhaka, with dozens of web design companies to choose from, the choice can be overwhelming. But you can make it easier by following these 8 simple steps.

8 Steps to Finding a Good Website Design Company in Dhaka

Your website is going to be the first impression that many prospective customers will have. It will be the face of your business, and in many situations, it is the best lead generator that you have. So it’s important the company you choose to trust with it.

Now onto the good stuff!

1. Make a list of your website needs & website goals

Before you begin, knowing your website goals, requirements and having a list of must-haves can help you quickly narrow down your list of prospects to just the ones that check every box. Know your timeline and budget.

Apart from the basic requirements and priorities, create a second wish list for things that could be great additions and will make the vetting process much easier (i.e., secure hosting, content creation, ongoing digital marketing, logo design, experience with print design, etc.).

2. Google search

Now, start with a Google search to look for your desired web design company in Dhaka. Search for agencies in your local area and nationwide, especially if you want a partner that is experienced in certain industries of the country. Check out blog posts, articles and websites that rank different agencies and take a look at what they list.

Check the websites to make an initial list. Visit the website for each prospective web design agency to see how long they’ve been in business, what services they provide, and what level of experience and specific skills their team members offer.

You can also judge their competency by how well their own website is designed.

3. Look at their case studies or portfolios for your top picks

The portfolio of a web design company is the next best way to assess their skills and capabilities. Portfolios will give you insight into creativity, industry experience, complex coding abilities, and more.

Check out some of the websites they’ve built. Just make sure you’re looking for decent websites more than good-looking ones in terms of performance and navigation. Consider whether they –

  • Develop mobile-friendly websites
  • Keep up with the latest design trends

Also, while choosing a website design company, one that works in your industry is a plus. However, if you like the work that an agency does, but they don’t have your industry in their portfolio, ask them what they would do for your company. Do not eliminate agencies prematurely, especially if you love their work.

4. Check out their blog posts

Blogs can be a great indicator of knowledge and authority of the company. The content they create on their blog can give you insight into more in-depth information for a better understanding of the company, the projects they are working on and their take on specific topics and trends.

5. Evaluate experience, online reviews and testimonials – and create a shortlist

See whether they have both – local & international experience, in multiple industries. Web design strategies are much different on a national or global level than they are with hyper-local areas. The more strategies and audiences your designer knows, the more likely it is that your site will be able to help you reach your business goals.

And in addition to their portfolio, read testimonials and online reviews of the web design agencies you’re considering for your website. The reviews from real customers can give you insight into the quality of the company’s products and services, their professionalism, and even their commitment to creating your dream website.

6. Check out their agency culture

An agency’s culture will tell you a lot about their personality and working style. These are the people that will work towards representing you as a brand, so having similar values and company culture can aid in how confidently you can put your trust in them.

Check them out on social media. And when you meet your potential web design partners, you’ll get a feel for their culture as well. Do they make you feel welcome? Do they listen to your ideas and bring up their own? Are they excited about your project and plan for the big picture?

You’re going to be spending a lot of time together so make sure your web design partner really fits your company and personality.

7. Check if they have an experienced marketing team

Does the company have an in-house marketing team? This is something you want to consider because working with an agency that has a marketing department brings a certain level of knowledge into the company that a pure web design agency might not have or keep up to date with.

8. Get in touch with the shortlisted companies

Now that you have your top picks, you can contact them, make an initial call to talk about your project and set up a meeting.

Great website design agencies will dedicate time to fully understand their clients’ visions before taking on the work. They should ask you almost as many questions as you ask them. Those questions should be about what you expect, what you want, what your goals are, and more – like we mentioned earlier in the blog. So, it would help if you also have an idea of what you are looking for in terms of design and content.

And in turn, a good web design company will reply to your questions politely, professionally, and intelligently. Instead of talking around you in circles with vague, jargon-heavy terms, they’ll give straightforward explanations and explain any unfamiliar terms that come up, so you’re constantly in the loop.

Once you find the right web design company that you can trust to achieve your goals, your job becomes much easier and you can focus on what you do best. Proficient Information System is a full-fledged web design and software development company in Dhaka, with 15+ years of experience and can definitely fit the criteria you might be looking for in your potential web design partner.

Take time to choose the right website design company for your business. Remember, your website is the first impression a potential customer will have of your brand and business. So, it’s worth the research and due diligence to find a web partner that will help you achieve your online goals.