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If you’re someone new to the terms – Enterprise Level Software, they might come off a bit stuffy. Maybe they’ll have you wondering – yeah I know what software is but what is an enterprise level software? And how is it different from any others?

Worry no more! We’re here to answer all your questions about enterprise level software, especially a notable one – ERP. Here’s everything you need to know.

What is an Enterprise Level Software and How Does it Work?

Often in large companies, there comes a time when your business gets too large to be managed manually. With numerous people involved and multiple processes running, things tend to get pretty hectic. And when it happens, to whip those processes into shape, enterprises turn to a special kind of program called Enterprise Software, also known as Enterprise Application Software (EAS). And ERP is one of the most dynamic systems among many different types of EAS.

Enterprise resource planning (ERP) refers to a type of software that organizations use to manage day-to-day business activities such as accounting, procurement, project management, customer relationship management, HR and supply chain operations.

So basically, what an ERP system does is, it connects every aspect of an enterprise. It ties together a multitude of business processes and enables the flow of data between them. It’s an excellent choice for those who want to improve some aspect of the company’s productivity and have already tried everything with human capital.

ERP Features & Benefits

ERP software solutions help to achieve –

  • Higher productivity: Streamline and automate your core business processes to help everyone in your organization do more with fewer resources. 
  • Scalability: Consistent infrastructure for streamlined operations can grow as your business grows 
  • Improved business insights: Eliminate information silos, gain a single source of truth, and get fast answers to mission-critical business questions. 
  • Lower operational costs through streamlined business processes and best practices 
  • Enhance collaboration: Break down communication barriers for efficient collaboration and coordination to improve job efficiency. 
  • Manage Regulatory Compliance: Manage and monitor compliance with regulatory standards, and even set up alerts for non-compliance 
  • Improved agility: With efficient operations and ready access to real-time data, you can quickly identify and react to new opportunities.

What is the Difference between ERP And Other Software?

Although “financials” is often confused with ERP software, they’re not the same thing. Financials is a subset of modules within ERP.

These ERP software’s are often characterized by some special features that sets them apart:

  • Performance – Enterprise software needs to demonstrate excellent performance because they will be vital parts of processes within an organization. So the performance of an enterprise software is always the first and foremost factor taken into account. It includes several areas, in particular, mobile and web versions.  
  • Enterprise-centric development – These software solutions are designed for individual business environments and align with the needs of departments, teams, or employees of the company. So, they are usually highly customizable. 
  • High scalability – Scalability is critical for any software product that determines the rapid growth and advancement of the software, in terms of functionality, features or any other aspects deemed necessary without compromising the performance.  
  • Top-notch security – Another critical and most important topic in enterprise software development that requires investment, specialists, and depth analysis. It involves cybersecurity for the employees who use it, the information it handles, and for all the devices that make up this network. 
  • Interconnectivity – Its components are interdependent. The ecosystem of an enterprise level software is well integrated and compatible with the existing tools, software and workflow or aims to improve it. Failure to consider the interconnectivity may lead to malfunction. 
  • Reporting – Creating queries and reporting on normal software is quite a challenge. Since they usually scan the entire database, queries and reports can increase the processing costs. But, with enterprise software, third-party tools can be used to perform the querying and reporting. 
  • Visibility into the business as a whole – Enterprise software lets you see how the whole business is running in real time. This type of software is typically built to serve the entire organization; therefore, it is able to provide business intelligence and actionable insights based on data that comes from various sources: marketing, sales, manufacturing, HR, etc. 

There are some other factors such as – investments, fast ROI, robustness, cloud storage etc. that play vital roles in the overall functionality of these software.

Types of ERP Systems & ERP Software Deployment Options

There are a number of ERP systems available today that range widely depending on the size, function, and needs of an organization. Each solution tailored to support different aspects of a business – have different methods of deployment. Here are 3 deployment options for these systems.

Image: Types of ERP deployment
  1. Cloud ERP – Also known as Software as a Service (SaaS) – the deployment model where the software is hosted in the cloud and delivered over the Internet as a service, and the software provider generally takes care of 360-degree maintenance on your behalf.  
  2. On-Premise ERP – The model where the ERP software is typically installed and maintained in physical office space within an organization and maintenance of the hardware and software is your staff’s responsibility. 
  3. Hybrid ERP – This is where some of your ERP applications and data will be in the cloud and some on premise. 

There are some other factors such as – investments, fast ROI, robustness, cloud storage etc. that play vital roles in the overall functionality of these software. 

Industries That Can Benefit From Enterprise Level Software

ERP software provides an effective and dynamic tool that any industry can leverage. ERP software systems are very diverse and are pivotal points of many industries, including but not limited to:

  • Utilities  
  • Manufacturing 
  • Industrial Machinery and Components 
  • Retail  
  • Service companies  
  • Supply Chain
  • Construction and Home Improvement 
  • Electronics and Technology 
  • Automotive 
  • Aerospace and Defense 
  • Healthcare, Pharmaceutical  
  • Agribusiness 
  • Food and Beverage 
  • Consumer Goods 

Cost of an ERP System 

The cost of ERP depends on the software vendor, the modules selected, and the deployment method. Usually cloud-based ERP has lower costs than on-premise ERP as it saves you the cost of purchasing any hardware or hiring any expensive in-house IT experts. The vendor handles the maintenance and charges the customer an annual or monthly subscription fee, usually based on the number of users.

For a new ERP installation, the return on investment (ROI) and total cost of ownership (TCO) are calculated. And just like the software selection and deployment costs are important, the initial and ongoing workforce costs are just as important to take into account.

Checklist for Selecting an ERP System

Here’s a guide to selecting the best ERP for your enterprise. Check whether the ERP software/vendor that is being considered:

  1. Meets your system requirements
  2. Aligns with your company goals
  3. Is compatible with existing systems
  4. Has partner Network/Availability for local support
  5. Offers training/support options
  6. Has references and recommendations from customers
  7. Continuously improves to utilize new technology and adapt to new challenges

Enterprise Level Software Development in Dhaka  

Our team at Proficient Information Systems Bangladesh can help you assemble a team of experts around your enterprise technology stack, if you’re looking for a software development provider. 

During our time in the industry, in around 10 years, we’ve partnered with a number of brands – both home and abroad. For instance, we teamed up with Meal On A Dime (Bidyanondo Foundation), FCB Bitopi in Bangladesh to provide them product & software development, web design services amongst others.   

We’ve also worked with BRAC on multiple projects such as –  

  • Digital Cash transfer and E-incentive – A micro finance application for the organization which includes cash distribution via Bkash.  
  • We developed an interactive app for BRAC – Individual Development Planner, where the admins can set goals for the team members, that they complete it and improve their progress and self-discipline  

We also have our homegrown ERP system ERP360+  

  • Which is a powerful resource planning and management system, particularly tailored for the garments industry 
  • Manages all orders, accounting, billing, shipping, taxes and automates most of the business processes within an enterprise. 

At ProInfoSys we believe there are no limits when it comes to Enterprise Software. For more information on our support in this area, and how we can help you with your goals, don’t be shy, contact us.